Take Care of Yourself, Mama

Who here is not so great at taking care of themselves? So often we (I’m looking at you, Moms) are so busy taking care of other humans that we forget about ourselves.

Trying to do it all is hard work. We feed our people three meals a day, keep them in clean clothes, go to work, pay the bills, do housework, make sure homework is done, drive them to school, church, sports, and then we rinse and repeat over and over and over again…am I right? Husbands are helpful, and I don’t know about yours, but mine isn’t always here to assist with the daily grind.

It is important to be really intentional, so that I don’t lose my ever-loving mind, about trying to do something just for me every day. Yes! I said that. Every. Day. I also said “try.” 😉 It doesn’t have to be something huge or earth-shattering, but I want you to learn to take care of yourself, too.


Self-care looks different for everyone. Here are a few ideas to get you rolling.

Take a shower, and blow-dry your hair. I’m looking at you, moms of babies and tots. I know it’s hard to sneak that shower in some days, but it will make you feel human.

Spend an hour reading a book. While you’re at it, sip a cup of hot tea and snuggle up under a cozy blanket, too.

Sleep late on a Saturday. If your little humans are still very young, this may require the help of a husband or friend who’s willing to stay the night and wake up early to take care of the tiny terrorists. I’m kidding! Your kids are perfect! It’s just mine who are terrorists. (haha!)


Exercise! Start the day with a good workout, and get those endorphins going. Or end a long day with one to relieve stress.

Go to that yoga class you keep saying you want to try out.

Find a babysitter or a Mom’s Day Out program. Even if all you do is go grocery shopping by yourself, it will be money well spent.

Have a spa day. Get a massage, a haircut, a manicure…shoot, make an appointment for all of the above!


Wear your favorite outfit, even if it is “too fancy” for the grocery store, school pick-up, whatever you’re doing today. It makes you feel good, so wear it!

Spend time with your friends. If your kids are in school, like mine, take advantage and plan a fun lunch outing! If your children are younger, plan a play date and invite them to come to you. They may need an excuse to talk to another adult, too. 😉


Remember to be YOU. You aren’t just somebody’s mom, somebody’s wife, the PTA president, soccer coach, snack mom, etc. It is absolutely OK to take time out for the things you enjoy most!


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