People I Meet Traveling – The Chatterbox

This story is only a few weeks old. I haven’t told it here yet. The only other thing I have to write about this week is sad. I’ll probably get to it soon, but for now…enjoy.


I was on the 6:25am flight from San Antonio to Minneapolis. I’d been up since 3:20am, my brain too fidgety to let me sleep any longer. The kids and I waited in line after line and were finally on the airplane. When I purchased our tickets, the only way to have seats near one another was to put Aidan & Neely in the row in front of me. I had the window seat. It wasn’t the most ideal scenario, but I figured we’d make it work.


I waited to see who claimed the seat across the aisle from them, intending to ask to trade. When a large, tall man sat down, I knew it was pointless even to ask. He wouldn’t want my window seat. I settled in for the ride.

A short while later, my seat buddy showed up. He was a little guy, nine years old, whose mother has apparently never taught him “stranger danger.” (Maybe that’s unfair. Maybe he just didn’t listen.) First, he told me about the tablet he got for Christmas, and had I ever seen the one that says “R-C-A?” Second, he told me, as I stared in horror, about how he sometimes gets sick on airplanes and this one time when he was four he barfed ALL OVER THE FLOOR but it’s ok because he took Dramamine today, and by the way do I know about the Skylander called Cynder?


I like kids. I do. But if I’ve got to deal with a kid getting sick on an airplane, that little puker had better belong to me.

I did a mental checklist of what I had packed in my carry-on. Extra clothes? Nope. I figured I might be purchasing whatever the heck I could find in the Minneapolis airport, and it would probably have a moose on it. Or a Viking.

Grandma and big sister were on the other side of the aisle. If you know you’ve got a kid that might blow mid-flight, do you sit with him? Or put him by a stranger? I seriously could not understand what was happening. I tried for the whole flight to make eye contact with Grandma. Do you know when she met my eye for the first time? When the damn airplane landed. After I’d had my ear talked off for two hours. Thankfully, nobody vomited.

I did manage about a 30-minute nap somewhere in there, grabbing my pillow and screwing my eyes shut the one time the little guy turned his attention from me, but the moment I stirred, he picked up right where he left off. I learned so much. He’s from Pennsylvania. He’s a big brother AND a little brother. His dad lives in Texas. His little brother lives in Texas. His sister is two years older than him. He loves Skylanders. Some of them live in his room, and he’s trained them to be nice. Sometimes, the new ones aren’t nice, and it’s scary. Wouldn’t it be cool if we could build ladders into the clouds? Then, you could probably find a really nice, comfy spot to sit and read in the clouds. Wouldn’t that be nice? He bets clouds are really soft, and maybe bouncy. He really likes the window seat, but it wouldn’t be a good idea to trade with me, because he needs to stay by his family. It’s safer that way. He really likes the tablet he got for Christmas. It has a lot of apps. Do I want to see? Do I have a lot of apps on my tablet? Why don’t I have games? Are those your kids? How old are your kids? What grade are they in? Where do you live? Do you know where (random town in Pennsylvania) is? There’s a new MOD on Minecraft. Want to guess what it has? They have big ears and can jump really high. Can you guess? Do you like Minecraft?

By the time the Minecraft conversation started, we’d finally landed. Of course, Aidan began to chime in, and I realized I should have traded seats with my own son. I’m an idiot.

New runDisney Costume Guidelines

Of course, as soon as I post about Disney race costumes, they go and change the rules on us.


Straight from the runDisney blog, here are the new guidelines:

Screen Shot 2016-01-06 at 9.09.51 AM

Some of these rules, I completely understand. Some of them, however, rule out some of the best race costumes I’ve ever seen. Some of them, well…you have two Star Wars races now. Nobody can dress as a Jedi? Because of the robe? Come on. And so what if I think someone else’s costume is amazing and want to take a picture? Where is the harm in that? Does anyone else have strong opinions about this?

My Favorite runDisney Costumes…for now

This week, Disney runners are packing up their tutus and donning their mouse ears, gearing up for 2016’s Walt Disney World Marathon Weekend. I am more than a little jealous. One day, I will be closer. One day, I will run all the races. Today…well, today is not that day.

Until then, let’s take a look at some of my (latest) favorite costumes from past runDisney events! As a warning, you won’t find any princesses here. There’s an entire race in February just for them.


Let’s begin with Cinderella’s stepsisters – Anastasia and Drizella. This has long been a favorite of mine, but I’ve never had a runDisney buddy to try it with.


Of course, I have to include Cruella de Vil. You’ve seen her here before, and you’ll probably see her again. I tried to recreate this one myself, but I didn’t look near as awesome as Kelly does.


Russell & Kevin from Up! Again, I’d need a buddy. I’d also need that buddy to let me be Kevin.




This BB-8 costume is outstanding. This gal was at a different Disney event, but I saw something very similar at the Star Wars 10K last January while waiting to begin. HER ARMS ARE INSIDE. I prayed that poor girl wouldn’t trip.


Are there any Inside Out fans among us? This is a great idea for a large group.

This last one is my very favorite…


The Disneyland Churro! Click over and read the post. That costume is SCENTED! I’ll bet there were a lot of runners craving churros that day.

No matter what race you’re running this weekend, good luck to you, costumed wonders!


Bring it on, 2016!

It has been months since I’ve blogged. When I sit and think it through, I can narrow it all down to two reasons:

  1. Time. There isn’t enough of it. I know you’ve heard it all before, but it’s not always easy to juggle everything I want to do, everything I need to do, and the random things I’m expected to do. The fact that I even typed “that I’m expected to do” is ridiculous. Those things, I should probably toss out the window first, but if you haven’t figured it out by now, let me clue you in on something. I am a people pleaser. I want everyone to be happy. I want everyone to like me. I don’t want to disappoint anyone. Which leads me to my next point…
  1. Content. Although I’m busy, I’m afraid nobody really wants to hear about any of it. Is it boring to talk about my kids? Work? What I’m eating? The gym? Haven’t you heard it all before? Do I really manage to put my own “spin” on it? Do I sound like a complainer? Is there any point to it? I’ve begun to write so many times and gotten nowhere, because I’ve turned into a great big chicken, afraid of either being criticized or that no one really even gives two craps, which kind of brings everything full circle.

As usual, as a new year begins, I’m thinking through my goals and accomplishments from the previous year and looking forward. I didn’t publish any goals for 2015, but I had several that I kept to myself. I made seven, and I pulled off two. Most were fairly personal this time around, so sorry, but I’m still not sharing.

My goal for 2016 is to write more. I love writing. Even if it’s just for me, I want to put something on the ol’ blog at least once a week. That’s only four-ish times a month. I think it’s completely reasonable. Oh, look! I’m all set for this week. Too bad it’s Friday.