Mid-June Recap

Ah, the nomad summer. We have been having a lot of fun so far. What have we been up to?

I will show you.

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We have been playing at rest stop playgrounds. This was somewhere in Minnesota. The Mid-West has the best rest areas I have ever seen – playgrounds and pet walking areas at every one.

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We have visited friends. Neely had the time of her life with Maddie and Lila. I’m pretty sure she thought she’d been treated to the longest slumber party ever. We will definitely have to do it again sometime.

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I convinced my brother and sister-in-law to run a 10-mile race on what is quite possibly the hilliest course in middle Tennessee. In June. We’re lucky it wasn’t 90 degrees. And I’m thankful that they’re still speaking to me. Oh, and my brother only beat me by 6 minutes. 🙂

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Did I mention that the race was part of the RC Cola and Moon Pie Festival? Yep. Totally chowed down on a Moon Pie afterward. Yum!

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We traveled to Florida and met up with more friends at the Naval Aviation Museum in Pensacola. That is one big anchor. The museum is super fun. If you’re ever in the area, I highly recommend it.

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…and we spent a week at the beach. We were sad to leave. It’s a good thing we get to visit another beach very soon.

Those are the highlights of our Instagram summer so far! I’ll be back when I can nab someone’s computer again. (Thanks, Dad!)

Happy Father’s Day


It’s a rare happening anymore, but this year, I get to spend Father’s Day with my Dad. In case you didn’t know, he’s where I get my good looks. 😉

Isn’t it funny how sometimes when you admire someone, it’s difficult to pinpoint or put into words exactly what it is you like the best? I’ve been giving lots of thought to what I would like to say about my dad for Father’s Day, and I keep getting stuck.

I can tell you loads of superficial things – he’s a lot of fun; he can fix just about anything; he loves Halloween; he could be a bug rights activist (he prefers to catch and release); he grills a mean steak; when he really gets going, his laugh is hilarious.


My dad was even willing to drive halfway across the country trapped in a car with me, two crazy kids, and a dog, so that I wouldn’t have to do it by myself. I am so thankful for his willingness to inconvenience himself for us.


We’re missing him an awful lot right now, but I am, of course, thankful for my husband this Father’s Day, too. He’s such a good daddy. And no, that is not my child in the picture. It’s our niece. I just love how intent they are on their coloring. 🙂
